
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Where Your Gifts Meet the Suffering of the World
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Called To Greatness is right around the corner. This week Bob shares about the effectiveness guide, the enneagram, and getting in touch with your heart. Frederick Buechner once said, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." Join us this week and through the month of April to learn about your calling to Greatness!

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Called To Greatness - Your One Wild and Precious Life
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver
Bob and Jeff talk about calling and vocation as the Meadow prepares for Called to Greatness!

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
"Called to Greatness" Introduction
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Come take a comprehensive look at your life and explore the greatness that already exists! Register today and begin this amazing journey with us!

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Podcast on the Porch - Christmas Vol 3
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
This week we ask the question, “Why would God forgive us?” God wants to restore us and all of creation, and His forgiveness is the bridge to that unity.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Podcast on the Porch - Christmas Vol 2
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
This week Bob and Bev ask the question, "What is humanity that God would love us?" Bob explains how God wanted to create a being that would choose to love Him back, and yet the nature of love is that it is totally free. God loves humanity unconditionally and God desires us to receive and return His love.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Podcast on the Porch - Christmas Vol 1
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Bob Arnold is joined by friend and Meadow teacher Bev Gorman as they discuss some of the big questions this holiday season. "Where does God come from?" is one of the greatest theological questions of all time. Ultimately God is beyond our concept of space and time - He is without beginning and without end. We invite you to join us this Christmas season, to let your notion of God expand, and to hold together that while God took on the form of a human being in Jesus, God is also eternal and has existed forever.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
The Great Sadness - Bob Arnold on Prosperity Theology
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Bob concludes our series on the Great Sadness by speaking truth to one of the major contemporary cultural heresies called "Prosperity Theology." At it's essence Prosperity Theology promises health, wealth, and wisdom - the idea that you'll have everything you need as you journey towards upward mobility. But the prosperity that the Gospel offers is not financial but spiritual, and often this comes through great suffering. Nowhere in the Gospel does Jesus guarantee financial prosperity. People's notion of God tends to fall apart when they encounter great pain and suffering, due to our distorted notion from the prosperity gospel. Bob illuminates how following Christ is more often a path of descent than ascent, and reminds us that Jesus himself was willing to go there. Will you join him?

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
The Great Sadness - Amanda Ferree
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
This week we're joined by our good friend Amanda Ferree (previously Amanda Martin). Amanda's life took an unexpected turn a few years ago when she discovered that her second son Miles had cystic fibrosis. Amanda opens up about how it has affected her faith, marriage, day-to-day life, and more. Amanda's committed involvement to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and her courageous spirit to give Mile's a normal life show how the great sadness can transform us into greater depths and deeper love.

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
The Great Sadness - Sister Robin Stratton
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
This week we're joined by Sister Robin Stratton, a dear friend and spiritual guide to many of us in the Meadow community. When Sister Robin was 45 she learned her brother had a very intense form of cancer. She flew to New Mexico and spent his final months with him, physically caring for him and lovingly embracing his end-of-life together. Sister Robin talks of the moments proceeding his passing, "The veil was so thin...part of me had gone with him into the Kingdom of God. And I knew there would never be a moment we would be seperated again."

Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
The Great Sadness - Scott Buresh (pt. 3)
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
“My ears had heard of you but now I see you with my eyes” - Job. Scott’s concluding week on the Porch takes us on a journey of his time with the Northumbria Community in England. Scott experienced a healing workshop on grief that opened up new doors for his processing the loss of Peggy. Scott’s story is multifaceted and reminds us that the Great Sadness impacts every aspect of our life: our identity, our job, our family relationships, etc. Scott talks about the hardship and importance of letting go and releasing, reminding us that at some point, one can being to move from mourning to dancing.